Golf Outing Sold Out. Sponsorship Opportunities Still Available

All golfer slots have been sold out for the May 7 golf outing.

The good news is that a range of sponsorship opportunities are still available (see flyer). In addition, donations to the scholarship fund are appreciated. Make checks payable to the IUOE Local 825 Scholarship Fund, 65 Springfield Ave., 3rd Floor, Springfield, NJ 07081. For questions or more info, call 973-671-6911.

2022 Monmouth & Ocean County Central Labor Council Memorial Scholarship

From our brothers and sisters at the Monmouth & Ocean County Central Labor Council.

Applicants must attend (or plan to attend) a college, university or technical school and be a member or the child of a current or deceased member of a union affiliated with the Monmouth and Ocean Central Labor Council AFL-CIO.

Click here for complete application details.

Continue reading “2022 Monmouth & Ocean County Central Labor Council Memorial Scholarship”

2022 Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council Scholarships

The Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council offers two separate scholarships: The Frank Thompson Jr. scholarship and the George L. Pelletteri scholarship. The amounts are $500 for the George Pelletieri scholarship and $2,000 for the Frank Thompson scholarship.

For both, applicants must be a high school senior and the child of a current or deceased member of the Union affiliated with the Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council.

Required proof of eligibility includes:

  1. Verification of class rank and SAT scores
  2. An essay of no less than 200 words on the subject “What the American Labor Movement has meant to my family.”


10th Annual Local 825 Golf Outing

Sign up now for the 10th Annual Local 825 Golf Outing benefitting the Scholarship Fund. Once again, this year’s outing will be held at the Gambler Ridge Golf Club in Cream Ridge, NJ. It’s coming up quick, Saturday, May 7, beginning with lunch at 11:30 a.m. to be followed by a shotgun start at 1 p.m. More details, including information for sponsorships, are on the flyer. Be sure to save the date, this event sells out and is always a great time.

2022 IUOE Local 825 Academic and Special Scholarship Applications Now Available

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825 is pleased to announce the following Academic and Special Scholarship Award for 2022:

  • Seven academic scholarship awards of $2,500.00 per academic year for four years
  • Three $2,500.00 special scholarships per academic year for four years, one in each of the following categories:
    • Outstanding Student-Athlete
    • Outstanding Student Service
    • Outstanding Appreciation/Understanding of Unionism and the Labor Movement

Continue reading “2022 IUOE Local 825 Academic and Special Scholarship Applications Now Available”

IUOE LOCAL 825 announces its 2021 scholarship contest winners

THE 2021 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS have been selected. They will receive up to $10,000 over four years of schooling, the beneficiaries of Local 825’s fundraising events held throughout the year. This year’s ten winners are:

Three of the ten won awards in specific categories. Seven were awarded scholarships based on academic criteria. Here are this year’s winners.

Continue reading “IUOE LOCAL 825 announces its 2021 scholarship contest winners”

2021 Middlesex & Somerset Counties AFL-CIO Labor Council’s Raymond A. Peterson Scholarship

This program offers three awards: First place, $2,500. Second place, $1,500. Third place, $1,000.

Students are eligible if they have a parent or guardian who is a member in good standing in a local union which is affiliated with the Middlesex and Somerset Counties AFL-CIO Labor Council or if the applicant is a union member.

In addition, applicants also must:

  1. Provide verification of acceptance at a post-secondary educational institution and verification of a B average or above in the graduating class.
  2. Write an essay of not less than 250 words on the subject of the Labor Movement detailed on the application form. Instructions are found on the application form.

Completed application and essay must be postmarked by Thursday, April 15, 2021 and mailed to Frank Burke, whose address is found on the application.

Middlesex-Somerset Counties AFL-CIO Labor Council’s Raymond A. Peterson Scholarship Application Form

9th Annual Golf Outing is Saturday, May 8th, 2021

Golf slots are sold out but that SPONSORSHIPS are still available. Click here for sponsorship info.

For eight straight years, the Local 825 scholarship fund-raising golf outing has taken place, even through last year’s virus-related shutdowns. The ninth annual outing is scheduled for May 9 and it is not too early to register to play or participate as a sponsor. We’ve attached a flyer with all the details so save the date for another great year, all for the benefit of our scholarship fund and our children and grandchildren.


Gambler Ridge Golf Club
121 Burlington Path Road
Cream Ridge NJ 08514


Saturday, May 8th, 2021
11:30 AM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Shotgun Start
(Lunch and Dinner included)

Click here for registration and sponsorship form.

2021 Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council Scholarships

The Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council offers two separate scholarships: The Frank Thompson Jr. scholarship and the George L. Pelletteri scholarship. The amounts are $500 for the George Pelletieri scholarship and $2,000 for the Frank Thompson scholarship.

For both, applicants must be a high school senior and the child of a current or deceased member of the Union affiliated with the Mercer County AFL-CIO Labor Council.

Required proof of eligibility includes:

  1. Verification of class rank and SAT scores
  2. An essay of no less than 200 words on the subject “What the American Labor Movement has meant to my family.”


Frank Thompson Jr. Scholarship

George L. Pelletteri Scholarship