2024 Jack Daly, Les Hynes Scholarship Fund of the New Jersey Steel Association

Who May Apply

Any person atending or planning to atend an ins􀆟tu􀆟on of higher learning (University, College, Junior College, Technical or Trade School).
Please note, preference will be given to applicants who pursue either a degree in architecture or engineering or a certification in vocational/technical training directly related to the construction industry.


An applicant must be the child of an employee of a member firm of the New Jersey Steel Association, Inc., or contributor to the Association’s Industry Advancement Fund, specifically:

  1. Children of Ironworkers Local 11 members in good standing who are employed by a Local 11 signatory contractor.
  2. Children of Opera􀆟ng Engineers Local 825 members in good standing who are employed by a Local 825 signatory contractor.
  3. Children of executives and directors of signatory contractors are ineligible.
  4. Children of paid officers or agents of the above-mentioned unions are ineligible.
  5. Only one (1) child at a 􀆟me per family is eligible based on the applicant’s address. Should another child wish to apply, they would be eligible once the recipient is no longer eligible to receive a scholarship (ie: graduated, dropped out).

When to Apply

Applications must be received by Monday, June 3, 2024, addressed to:

New Jersey Steel Association, Inc.
91 Fieldcrest Avenue
Raritan Center Plaza II, Suite A-19
Edison, NJ 08837

Application Instructions

  • Attached application must be complete
  • Supporting documentation must be provided
    • Transcript
    • proof of tuition

Scholarship Awards

Successful scholarship applicants will be entitled to a scholarship, not to exceed $2,000 per year.
The scholarship is renewable each year in the same amount throughout the course of study not to exceed four (4) years at the school of the applicant’s choice if the applicant remains in good academic standing. However, application must be made for renewal each year on the attached form with supporting documentation.

Click here to download the application.