For Immediate Release
SPRINGFIELD, NJ, MARCH 20, 2014 – The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825 today endorsed Randolph Mayor Tom MacArthur in his bid to become the next representative New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District.
Mac Arthur, who is completing his term as Randolph mayor and will relocate to his summer home of eight years in Barnegat Light, is running for the seat formerly occupied by Rep. Jon Runyan, who has declined to run for reelection.
“We’re endorsing Tom MacArthur because of his record of job creation as Randolph’s mayor, as well as for his vision of economic development in District 3,” said Greg Lalevee, Business Manager of IUOE Local 825.
The Republican clubs of Burlington and Ocean counties have announced their support of MacArthur’s candidacy, clearing the way for him to oppose Steve Lonegan in the June primary.
MacArthur has stated that job creation and New Jersey’s need for federal tax money to restore worn-out infrastructure, defense and national security will be among his top priorities.
“We need to get more federal dollars back into our state to update infrastructure,” MacArthur has said. “It will create jobs, and it’s something I intend to fight for.” MacArthur said his other focus will be on the environment and the tourism industry at
the Jersey shore.
MacArthur and his wife Debbie also run a non-profit foundation called “In God’s Hands Charitable Foundation (IGH),” which administers a range of projects that help wounded veterans and their families, send aid to disaster areas like the Philippines, run a program to distribute wheelchairs free of charge, and more. After Hurricane Sandy, he teamed IGH with his church in Barnegat Light to create the Sandy Relief Fund, which helped local families displaced by the storm.
Local 825 is headquartered in Springfield, N.J., and represents more than 6,500 operating engineers throughout New Jersey and five counties of lower New York: Rockland, Orange, Ulster, Sullivan and Delaware. Its members operate heavyequipment – such as cranes, bulldozers, graders, pavers, pile drivers backhoes and loaders – to execute large construction tasks and earthworks operations.
Greg Lalevee
Business Manager, Local 825
(973) 671-6900
PR Contact
Bill Carlos
Avow Communications
(908) 499-7862