They get a partner.
Local 825 knows that we succeed when our contractors succeed. And there are many ways we can help contractors succeed. Here are some:
Productivity. Our Operating Engineers are fully trained and experienced. We accomplish your goals efficiently. We take pride in doing the job right the first time, on time and on budget.
State-of-the-Art Training. Local 825 invests in two training centers in two states to keep its members on the cutting edge of new equipment and technology.
Hiring Hall Efficiency. You can hire for a day or longer. No need to keep workers on your payroll longer than you need them. We have the largest pool of experienced, credentialed operating engineers to assist you.
Administrative Simplicity and Savings. Contractors eliminate administrative costs and headaches because of Local 825’s Funds Office. We handle health insurance, retirement and other benefits.
Professional Qualifications. Our Operators are ready to work day one. You never have to pay them while you wait for licensing or credentialing.
Competitiveness. We have ways to help signatory contractors become more competitive and level the bidding field.
Project Advocacy. We help our contractors obtain permits and project approvals. We make resources available that can help cut through bureaucratic, governmental red tape.
Access to Government Projects. Signatory contractors are qualified to bid on massive public infrastructure contracts, industrial jobs and all facets of public and private development.
When builders and contractors succeed, we succeed.
Let’s do this together.
Learn more about how to take your company to the next level.
If you’re a member of Local 825 or are considering joining as a member, click here to see what we do for you.